I sold some stuff on eBay last night and got it all shipped off this morning so I'm adding $26.40 to the challenge. The new total is $7,941.18.
I need to be better about calculating postage. I always underestimate the shipping costs and then end up using more of my proceeds for shipping than I would like. Any suggestions from eBay sellers out there?
I got up early to do some work on the booming side business (soon to be the only business) and I also swam a mile. I'm now exhausted and it's only 11 a.m. Not a good thing since I need to go into the "office" job today to give notice and maybe get some work accomplished there as well. It's shaping up to be a high caffeine day....
More for the challenge and other odds and ends
April 7th, 2008 at 06:07 pm