The grocery guy just came. After coupons and sale prices, I got $128.31 in groceries for $88.57.
The person who did my shopping at the store did substitute breaded tilapia for non-breaded tilapia, which throws off my menu a bit this week. But it's still doable.
I can always tell if someone who cooks from scratch is doing the shopping. Those who know how to cook from scratch always substitute things that really can be used to make the same dish. Those who don't cook from scratch just throw whatever into the order. (For those who don't have their groceries delivered, you have the option of accepting substitutions if the store is out of what your ordered. They are supposed to get you the same item, but just in a different brand. However, this doesn't always happen, as witnessed today......)
At least I saved some money today....
January 27th, 2008 at 06:13 pm
February 28th, 2008 at 06:40 pm 1204224045
p.s. I absolutely love your blog.
February 29th, 2008 at 04:44 am 1204260289