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The auction has begun....

January 3rd, 2008 at 09:38 pm

I have begun the liquidation of my stained glass supplies by posting 12 books of patterns on eBay. I also posted some of them on Amazon.

I kept everything fairly simple, so here's hoping they sell and I can start the $20 challenge.

If not, I will have to count on the freelance job coming through. I finished another project today and billed the client $150. Because I worked the other job so much last month, I only have to make $70 in freelance money this month to cover my basic spending plan income in January. I'm well past that amount already, so even if the auction stuff doesn't bring a decent price I'll do OK this month on the challenge.

Initially my plan is to split the extra income between savings and debt. Usually, I'm a firm believer in the 1/3 split, but I'm not feeling the need to fund my immediate needs right now as much as I'd like to fund the new car.

1 Responses to “The auction has begun....”

  1. Amber Says:

    Good luck, I am sure you will sell them
    I split my challenge money as well

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