Home > Gone, baby, gone

Gone, baby, gone

January 17th, 2008 at 02:29 am

I just submitted my final request for health care flex pay money for this fiscal year (July-July). We blew right though the money this year because of my daughter's high-priced medical treatments that insurance won't cover (DAMN THEM!).

When my husband switched jobs, we had no idea that we were going to need to put more toward the flexible spending account for health care because my daughter's "issue" hadn't been clearly defined at the time. Now, though, we're just going to suck it up and pay those after-tax dollars.

I actually never accounted for the flex pay money in our spending plan even though I did account for the medical expenses. I just made the spending plan work without the flex pay money and then when it came in I would bank that money in the furniture fund. So technically our spending plan won't be taking a hit now that we have no flex pay money coming in. However, my back will since I was saving up to buy a new mattress with that money.

Oh, well. Come July, we'll be back to drawing on more pre-tax dollars to pay for medical costs and I can go back to saving for a new bed. ...

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